Fed Up with the Church for Supporting Trump!

I began writing this last year as I continued to see the American church on NBC News*, CBS News, and elsewhere supporting, and continuing to support, Trump despite his immorality. I have also struggled with completing this post because I’ve been trying to find the existential threat posed by the evil and vile man that is Trump. (Side note: As I typed that last sentence, the word “existential” jumped out at me. More on that below.)

In this post I’m basically asking one question… “Why should we care about Trump’s immorality?” After all, the Trump-supporting Church (the institution and its members), which is supposed to follow Jesus Christ and represent His highest standard of righteousness, is more concerned about political policies, their bank accounts, gun and religious rights, and nationalism, among other worldly things.

Well, I believe we should care deeply about Trump’s lack of character even more than his Presidential decisions because of the January 6th insurrection. THAT is the existential threat. Why? Because I believe that God values justice so highly that He’ll revoke the independence of the nation He blessed.  This will happen when it fails to serve justice (impeachment AND removal) to the leader of the free world for blatant high crimes and misdemeanors (incitement of insurrection). What the Lord gives, He can take away (Job 1:21).

I know these opinions (and previous posts) are not popular with many in the Church today, but I wholeheartedly stand by them.  I also wanted to write this because I can imagine there are many within the Church who love Christ dearly but are afraid to speak up against Trump, his lack of character, his detestable words, and his blatant immorality because they fear being ostracized and shunned.  I do fear that myself, but I also feel if I stand up for what is right, true, and just, the consequences are worth it. 

I can also imagine there are likely many people in the world who don’t want anything to do with the Church or God because of what they see His people supporting. There are even some evangelicals who are known for biblical ethics such as Wayne Grudem who acknowledge what is plain and clear of Trump’s lack of character and still said he was the “morally good choice” in 2016. In that article, Grudem calls candidate Trump a “flawed candidate,” but in my opinion, calling Trump a flawed candidate is the equivalent of Richard Nixon saying, “I made my mistakes” in his 1973 “I’m not a crook” speech. The words downplay and minimize their lack of character and crimes. 

Also around 2016, many supporters of Trump wanted him in office because they thought he’d “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C., what they failed to realize was Trump is the swamp with an unsatisfying lust for power, money, and relevance.

One of the duties of every believer is to reflect God’s moral characteristics in everyday life, and to call out and stand against the extremely vile and evil people of the world such as Trump. “If you love good, then you must hate evil. To not hate evil is to show no compassion for those whom it hurts.”-Unnamed Pastor, Psalm 97:10, Romans 12:9

I believe this duty applies to Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:14 when He says, “You are the light of the world…” and also when John the Baptist called out Herod the tetrarch in Luke 3:19 for taking his brother’s wife, “…and for all the evil things that Herod had done.” We also see in the Old Testament prophets calling on the leaders and the people to repent when they were rebelling against Him (Jeremiah 7:1-11, visual).

Anyone who believes in Christ and follows Him should be hating evil and wickedness because that is exactly what the Scriptures say about Jesus: “But about the Son He [Father God] says, ‘…You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.’”—Hebrews 1:8-9, Psalm 45:7

Fast forward to a week after the insurrection, we can find Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelist Billy Graham and President of Samaritan’s Purse, posting on Facebook January 14th twice shaming Republicans who voted to impeach Trump saying, “After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back and betray him so quickly?” 

As if our representatives swear an oath to Donald Trump instead of the Constitution before taking office. Also in that post, Graham talks about a litany of things that are all about issues under the Sun, not what is more important… “seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”—Matthew 6:33 KJV

Those who believe in Jesus as their Savior are citizens of Heaven (Philippians 3:20), and thus we should be supporting those of godly and moral character.  Because without God, nations decay and eventually collapse (Jeremiah 6:15), and I believe America is seeing the consequences of its immorality and godlessness across its land.

*Pastor Ken Peters, seen in the NBC News link, is different than Prophet Ken Peters, who I frequently reference.

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